LASERLAB-EUROPE and the work on attoscience by Prof. Jens Biegert are the subjects of two features in an El Mundo technology supplement.
by Jens Biegert
A supplement devoted to technology issued together with the El Mundonewspaper featured two articles on research performed at ICFO.
The first feature, “Spain becomes part of the European laser elite”, focuses on LASERLAB-EUROPE, the European consortium whose second phase was recently launched at ICFO. The article highlights that two Spanish research centers (ICFO and the Ultraintense Pulsed Laser Center in Salamanca) partner with the best laser infrastructures in Europe. The article states that Spanish excellence is recognized by the participation of Spanish centers in the second phase.
The second feature, “Attoscience, the frontier of the ultrafast”, refers to the research performed in this field by the group led by Prof. Jens Biegert. The article states that “attoscience is pushing the frontier of the ultrafast to the point of visualizing atoms and electrons” and highlights the research line launched at ICFO in this field. It also makes reference to an article published in Nature Physics co-authored by Prof. Jens Biegert and mentions future applications in ultrafast electronics and guiding chemical reactions in its concluding remarks.
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