Barbara and Noslen win ICONS Poster Prices

by Jens Biegert
This year’s Poster Session took place coinciding with the first “ICFO Day” event. In total, 38 posters were exhibited and selection of Best Poster was the result of three separate votes. All ICFOnians were invited to participate in the selection of the top three posters via an online vote while the PhD Committee convened in parallel to select three best posters. These six posters were evaluated by an independent committee during the ICFO Day event. Barbara Buades scored second and Noslen Suarez scored third – congratulations!
- Second place: “Spatio-temporal Isolation of Attosecond Pulses at 300 eV: Attosecond Lighthouse at the Water Window” presented by Barbara Buades
- Third Place: “Above-threshold ionization and photoelectron spectra in atomic systems driven by strong laser fields” presented by Nolsen Súarez
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