Prof. Dr. Anh-Thu Le, Missouri University of Science and Technology, U.S.A.

Prof. Dr. George Gibson, University of Connecticut, U.S.A.

Prof. Dr. Rosa Weigand, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Prof. Dr. Jean-Claude Diels, University of New Mexico, U.S.A.

Prof. Dr. Anatoli Kheifets, Australian National University, Australia

Prof. Dr. Chii-Dong Lin, Kansas State University, U.S.A.

Prof. Dr. Giuseppe Sansone, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Dr. Robert Moshammer, Max-Planck Institute für Kernphysik, Germany

Dr. Ioachim Pupeza, Max-Planck Institut for Quantum Optics Garching, Germany

Dr. Antonio Picón, Argonne National Laboratory, U.S.A.

Prof. Dr. Armin Scrinzi, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität München, Germany

Prof. Dr. Carla Figueira de Morisson Faria, University College London, United Kingdom

Dr. Xu Wang, Kansas State University, U.S.A.

Prof. Dr. Jean-Claude Diels, University of New Mexico, U.S.A.

Dr. Maurizio Reduzzi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Dr. Luke Maidment, Glasgow, UK

Dr. Kasra Amini, Max-Born-Institut Berlin, Germany

Dr. Themistoklis Sidiropoulos, Max-Born-Institut Berlin, Germany

Dr. Tobias Steinle, CTO and Co-Founder at Sttutgart Instruments GmbH, Germany

Dr. Daniel Rivas, Instrument Scientist at European XFEL, Germany

Dr. Antonio Picon, TALENTO Fellow, Universidad Autonoma Madrid, Spain

Dr. Tsuneto Kanai, Prof at Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea

Dr. Iker Leon, University of the Basque Country. Spain

Dr. Michael Pullen, Griffith University, Australia

Dr. Idoia Martí i Aluja, IRIS Advanced Engineering, Spain

Dr. Hugo Pires, Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear, Portugal

Dr. Michele Sclafani, ALOOP Visual & Science, Spain

Dr. Michael Hemmer, CFEL Hamburg, Germany

Dr. Dane Austin, Imperial College London, United Kingdom

Dr. Judith Dura, Max-Born-Institut Berlin, Germany

Dr. Philip Bates, Fusion for Energy (ITER) Barcelona, Spain

Dr. Olivier Chalus, Thales Optronique, France

Prof. Dr. Daniele Faccio, Heriot-Watt University, United Kingdom

Prof. Dr. Carles Serrat, Polytechnic University of Barcelona, Spain

Dr. Matthias Smolarski, ETH Zürich, Switzerland

Dr. Thorsten Ergler, Siemens, Germany

Dr. Nicola di Palo, ICFO (2020) – “Ultrafast Carrier and Structural Dynamics in Graphite Detected via Attosecond Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy”
now: Postdoc at Politecnico di Milano

Dr. Daniel Sánchez Peacham, ICFO (2020) – “Development of a High Intensity Mid-Ir OPCPA Pumped by a HO:YLF Amplifie”

Dr. Barbara Buades Sabater, ICFO (2018) – “Attosecond X-ray Absorption Fine-Structure Spectroscopy in Condensed Matter”
now: MeetOptics, Spain

Dr. Benjamin Wolter, ICFO (2018) – “Electron Re-Collision Dynamics in Strong Mid-IR Fields for Diffraction Imaging of Molecular structure and Its Fragmentation”
now: CRITEO, Spain

Dr. Noslen Suarez Rojas, ICFO (2017) – “Strong-Field Processes in Atoms and Polyatomic Molecules”
now: happy in Barcelona, Spain

Dr. Matthias Baudisch, ICFO (2017) – “High Power, High Intensity Few-Cycle Pulses in the Mid-IR for Strong-Field Experiments”
now: APE Berlin, Germany

Dr. Seth L. Cousin, ICFO (2016) – “Towards the Generation of Isolated Attosecond Pulses in the Water Window”
now: UC Boulder, JILA

Dr. Francisco Jose Maia Da Silva, ICFO (2015) – “Generation of intense few-cycle waveform-controlled electric fields: from mid-IR to soft X-rays”
now: Sphere Photonics

Dr. Stephan Teichmann, ICFO (2015) – “Ponderomotively scaled high harmonic generation for attoscience in the water window”
now: Associate McKinsey & Company

Dr. Alexander Grün, ICFO (2014) – “Nonlinear Pulse Compression”
now: Lector Springer Verlag

Dr. Christoph Hauri, ETH Zürich (2006) – “Intense Ultrashort Laser Pulse Generation for Non-Linear Laser-Matter Interactions”
now: Professor at EPFL Lausanne

Dr. Arne Heinrich, ETH Zürich (2006) – “Coherent Control of High Harmonic Generation using Attosecond Pulse Trains”
now: Senior Scientist at Pantec Medical Laser

Dr. Florian Helbing, ETH Zürich (2005) – “Measurement and control of the Carrier-envelope offset phase”
now: Research Engineer at Bruker Biospin AG

Dr. Wouter Kornelis, ETH Zürich (2005) – “Ultrashort Pulse Characterization in Amplitude and Phase from the IR to the XUV”
now: Director at Swiss Re

Dr. Birgit Schenkel, ETH Zürich (2004) – “Supercontinuum Generation and Compression”
now: Engineering Manager at Time Bandwidth

Christian Hensel (2021)

Rimante Jarockyte (2020)

Blanca Belsa (2019)

Antoine Raffray (2018)

Jorge Delgado (2017)

Matej Sebek (2017)

Marc Torrent Cuairan (2016)

Jonas Neumeier (2016)

Frank Grubbert (2016)

Ugaitz Elu Etxano (2015) – “Synchronized ultrashort pulse generation via self-phase modulation using a photonic crystal fiber for electro-optics sampling in the mid infrared”

Konstantinos Kaleris (2013) – “Strong field ionization of atoms and small molecules with ultra-short mid-IR pulses: technical aspects and data analysis”

Steffen Wittek (2013) – “Pulse compression of chirped, energetic narrowband optical pulses at 2.051 micron wavelength”

Daniel Sánchez Peacham (2013) – “Generation of intrinsically CEP stable few-cycle pulses in the mid-IR”

Florent Guichard (2012) – “Pulse Optimization and Characterization of mid-IR OPA and OPCPA”

Claus Lindner (2011) – “Towards High Harmonic Generation from Exited State of Alkali Metals”

Attaallah Almasi (2011) – “Stimulate Raman scattering and second harmonic generation from a Nd:YVO4 laser at 1064 nm to generate 587 nm”

Sven Künzel (2010) – “Measurement of the carrier-envelope phase stability of a novel mid-infrared source”

Stephan Teichmann (2009) – “Calibration of an XUV spectrometer”

Seth Cousin (2009) – “Ultrashort pulse characterization using an acousto-optical bulk pulse shaper”

Alexander Britz (2012) – “Non-monotonic dependence of Ionization and Exitation Probabilities in Atoms with Laser Intensity”

Alexandre Thai (2009) – “Design and simulation of few-cycle optical parametric chirped pulse amplification at mid-IR wavelengths”

Loïc Le Gat (2008) – “Ultrashort pulses amplification and characterization systems”

Tobias Hero

Sebastian Strobl

Eliot Hijano

Stefan Arndt

Oliver Hijano

Barbara Buades Sabater

Charles-Andre Couture

Florent Guichard

Celine Fresson